The Rodolfus Choir plays a crucial role in the musical and professional development of its members through an exciting range of ambitious programmes performed each year, regular recordings, and collaborations with acclaimed soloists, conductors and orchestras.

This schedule, exciting for the choir and its audiences alike, would not be possible without the ongoing and generous contributions of its supporters. We are indebted to those who continue to donate money and resources so that we can continue our work to enrich the musical lives of our members.

Become a Friend – By joining the Friends of the Rodolfus Choir, you will not only be supporting one of the best British youth choirs and helping young singers to develop, but you will also receive a termly newsletter; discounts on recordings; and the opportunity to attend rehearsals.

It costs just £30 a year (any further donation is left to your discretion, and is of course extremely welcome!). We hope that you would wish to continue support of the Rodolfus Choir, and the best way of ensuring this is to take out a Standing Order Mandate; additionally, you can make your subscription go further by signing a Gift Aid Declaration, which at the moment enables us to add 25 pence in the pound from the Inland Revenue.

Please contact (Friends Officer), for further information:
07952 694 482
[email protected]
17a Red Post Hill
SE24 9JJ

Alternatively complete the form below and we will be in touch.

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