The Chris Bennie Fund exists to support members of the choir who for a number of reasons may not be able to take a part in events for financial reasons. The fund was originally set up in 1985 in memory of a founder member of the choir who tragically died whilst on tour with Rodolfus. The fund was recently revived with fresh donations and we are pleased to be able to sustain the memory of Chris and all he brought to the choir in this way.

Marcia Bennie, Chris’s mother, writes ‘I’m very touched, and honoured, that Christopher should be remembered in this wonderful way. It has always been a comfort to know that he spent his last days among friends, doing what he loved, delighting in the shared experience of music making’.

To apply to the fund, members of the choir write a short statement explaining why it would not be possible for them to undertake an event, and what membership of the choir means to them. Circumstances vary according to each individual’s situation,  and include the rising costs of university education, or losing out on crucial vacation employment in order to participate an event. Each case will be considered on its own merits, and will not be based on artistic merit. The fund will be supported by individuals, and matched from the Rodolfus own pot.

If you wish to donate to the Chris Bennie fund, please contact Marcia Bennie: [email protected]

Mother of Rodolfus Choir member, 2011:

“We were really appreciative of the expenses money at a time when we are struggling – and so sad to hear that the fund came about because of the loss of your son. You must be so proud of him, he looked such a wonderful young man and obviously had huge musical talent too.”

“My daughter starts at music college in September and I am sure she would be the first to say how being in Rodolfus has benefited her. She is thrilled to be in such a prestigious, exacting choir and looks forward to everything they do”.

From Simon Holt, 1986:

“I am very grateful for the support I am getting from the Chris Bennie fund – the chance to go to Italy and play there was far too good to miss.”

From Andrew Burden, 1987:

“It was only through the generous help of the Chris Bennie Fund that I could continue my record of attendance with the Choir this Easter, and I am incredibly grateful for this help. It must be a source of great personal comfort and joy for you to know that so many young people are given the chance, through the memory of Chris, to sing further afield than they would otherwise be able”.

From Richard Pearce 1987:

“I would like to express my own personal gratitude to you, for without your help there is no way I would be able to participate.”

From Martyn Ford, 1986:

“If you had not put your loss to other people’s gain I would certainly not be spending these two weeks in such an enjoyable and valuable manner (The 1986 Easter tour).”

From Stephen Rice, 1986:

“I am very glad to be able to join the Rodolfus Youth Choir for their Easter tour this year. I hope to pursue music as a career after university, and singing with the Choir has taught me a great deal over the past two years”